Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sweep Me Away

If you had asked me in June what I was most excited about for this summer, I would've told you that all I wanted to do was finally have time to sit down and finish a book. I made a trip to the book store the week that school got out and bought 8 new books and even ordered one on Amazon... now the sad fact is that I've yet to finish one of those books in the past 3 months!?!

Summer was everything shy of relaxing and almost as hectic as the school year. Packing, moving, redecorating, appointments, meetings, you name it and it took up my free time. Isn't it sad that when you plan to relax, life throws you a curve. But I'm not complaining about have summers off so please don't start cursing me under your breathe. I'm just saying that even when you have free time, most of your time isn't truly "free."

Now instead of looking forward to a break from work; I'm actually looking forward to the normalcy and routine of work. I cannot wait to know that I will be off work at 2:45 and be able to relax and hopefully pick up a book every afternoon.

Here are just a few books at the top of my "MUST READ ASAP" list:


 Have you read any of these book? What did you think?

I'll be sure to share my reviews as soon as I find a comfy chair in the corner to settle into and a cup of coffee by my side as I get swept away for hours of reading!

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